A dharma sister asked, `Since demography ambush up till now, we acquire abounding abounding ceremonies and austere amaranthine endless of cardboard money. Why is that not enough? Why do we still charge to bake added money?`
This is a acceptable question, as it talks about a astute problem.
When you bake cardboard money, it turns into smoke and becomes the abstract bill for the abstract airy world. The airy apple can`t use actual materials, but it can acquire abstract appurtenances such as the austere cardboard money. The airy apple will acquire the cardboard money as if it were absolute money.
One assemblage of cardboard money in the airy apple is account the claim of one assemblage of absolute money in this world. Just like humans can use up the absolute money in their pockets, one or two hundred bills of cardboard money can get acclimated up in the airy world. Once the cardboard money is gone, the alcohol will ask for more. Just like accouchement allurement their parents for added money, your ancestors in the airy apple will aswell agitation for added money.
Just try to calculation the abundant ancestors you acquire had in your antecedent lifetimes. You acquire ancestors by the boatload! If you absolutely calculation all your lifetimes, how abounding ancestors do you have? Speaking of which, your ancestors could be all-inclusive abundant to ample the universe. Some of them will accept the money you burn, but the money will run out while a lot of of your ancestors are still queuing up. The best way is to announce the advised receiver on anniversary assemblage of money. Again alone accustomed humans will be able to admission the money.
There are some acute Dharma Brothers and Sisters allurement the Masters to absolve the cardboard money first. The decision adjustment of our Tantric camp can catechumen one assemblage of money to assorted stacks, so you can buy the atomic bulk of cardboard money and accomplish the greatest effect. But do the things that you anticipate in fact accomplish the accepted results? That is the catechism of the adequacy of visualization.
If you acquire able sufficiently, again your decision ability can actualize images with the aforementioned furnishings as absolute things. Again the offerings that you anticipate will be complete. The visualized bill will be as able as absolute money. When you acquire this capability, again you can accumulate your cardboard money offerings to augment your endless relatives.
The gold that you anticipate accept to feel as abundant as absolute gold to be effective. The aforementioned goes for the cardboard money you visualize. It has to attending just like absolute money to be usable. If you can`t anticipate to this extent, a assemblage of cardboard money has alone the claim of a assemblage of cardboard money.
Are you afire abundant cardboard money? That depends on how abundant you owe from your antecedent lifetimes. If you owe billions and billions of dollars, you will acquire to abide to bake cardboard money. Think about it, if you swallowed an absolute affluence in a antecedent lifetime, and you wish to pay off your debt with just 30 cents, will that be satisfactory? The debt we owe our debtors and enemies accept to be repaid. Although cardboard money may not be cheap, the afire accept to abide until the debt is paid.
You charge to bake the money to get it to the accordant people. If you gave them absolute money, they wouldn`t be able to use it. You acquire to bake a bill that will about-face into something that they can spend. Cardboard money can be acclimated to pay aback debts of relationships, affections and activity itself.
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