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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Three Injury Hearth

Isha Adhan reverberate, penetrate the walls that near each other in these densely populated settlements. Lena peek behind the blinds, making an attempt to find her husband's shadow. In vain. now let the blinds open and went over to her twin daughters are busy drawing.
"Disya draw what, dear?"
"Palace, Ma. There we are in it. "
"Oya? Where's mama attempt to see. "Disya handed the paper drawing. A palace complete with their inhabitants. Said Mom, Dad, Disya, Kesya become attributes under each image.
"The image is comparable birthday celebrations yesterday Disya yes." Disya nodded.
Such was the Disya, whenever an assignment to draw the court is his favorite image. Castle, a magnificent space and the image of a princess peach dress is that the main character in each sheet of drawing paper. a similar scenario when the party added that even seven years previous.
Lena shifting the main focus of view on Kesya. One daughter who has spent [*fr1] a dozen black crayon in this month. pictures are created far from the bright color image Like different children his age.
"Eum, if Kesya image what, dear?"
"Our house, Ma." Lena checked out the image on the front Kesya paper. Clouds of grey boxes that coincide, the flow of the river, dark brown. No blue color in there, his favorite color.
"These boxes what, Go?
"House of neighbor". Brief.
Lena sighed. both daughters were born identical twins. A hollow in the cheek Kesya have been the difference. they are physically identical, however the attitude they receive terribly completely different life currently. They build their own world while not disturbing each other, while not glancing at each other. there is pain in the pit of the stomach Lena.
Lena was ready to see how Disya still feel like life before, during Rasya, their father, still a vp of a number one cement company in this city. Disya still save what it looks like to be a princess. while Kesya, he tried to accept the truth of their lives currently, which is extremely a lot of completely different. And it describes a dark reception. Dark.
Views Lena back against the window. Still empty. The clock on the wall refers to the quantity thirty.
"Kesya, Disya, bobo yuk. Already half-nine. Mama incorporates a new story you know. "Eyes second twin daughter was bright. Immediately close up their crayons and drawing paper.
"Fairy princess and the palace again, well, Ma." Disya membola sulk with my eyes.
"Bored". Kesya now did not agree.
"Tonight, Mom had another story, titled Papa Giraffe. Hem, curious is not it? Let's to bed. "
Lena mendongengkan Papa Giraffe on Disya and Kesya until asleep. A hope teriring from the guts, could they be heartened to receive current troublesome scenario. situations that really a lot of completely different from the days when their fathers are still believed to be the right hand in the cement company. Happiness that may last their soy sauce could be a celebration of their age that even seven years. Disya with peach dress, Kesya with blue dress. both are sweet, beat angels image in TV. A month after a night of celebration, everything modified. Disya with a picture palace, Kesya with black crayon could be a monument to the amendment.

Back Lena sighed. it absolutely was 10 o'clock at midnight her husband had not come back home. come back home late, the same habits when Rasya still be important. Wandering lagikah where the hell? Lakukah all the merchandise he was carrying? Still fun to raise, he heard atiny low knock on the door. Steps hastily, afraid her husband was angry.
Big bag placed in the right shoulder Rasya to the floor. Relaxed his tie and went into the kitchen. A glass of water demolished. Lena approached.
"Mas, why you return tonight?"
"There are meetings with purchasers nowadays."
Back pain felt in the pit of the stomach Lena, is not your consumer has left you, Mas ...?

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