One day I went to a mall in the city, happened at that time was a lot of discounts and a lot of buyers who come.
after a long time I get around picking out items that I want and what I need. I looked at the cashier so many people are queuing. I am areally really do not like queuing chose to delay until the queue is toolong.
I wandered back only to see the goods times there is somethinginteresting in the mall until the queue is reduced a lot.
after satisfied around and queue also has begun to decrease, myentry in the queue. Beru I walked a few steps in accordance withmy queue, there is someone who deliberately go in front of thecashier and bring a lot of goods, thus making the queue becomeschaotic.
all the people who were queuing to be angry. guard who is trying togive sense to slowly, but people had to sound rude even beratedthe guards, eventually with extremely forced the guards had to callanother colleague and the person by forcibly brought back, rankedlast.
I said to myself, this man 's looked lost with ants, ants are able to queue's looked this man can not
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